Thursday, 5 August 2010

Sun Sets On Successful Jazz Festival

The 26th Birmingham International Jazz & Blues Festival draw to a close on Sunday 25th July with the last of the 218 scheduled performances – although two jam sessions did go on until well into the night.

The festival was a great success, both musically and in audience, with a record attendance figure and an increase in numbers off jazz tourists from UK and abroad.

The international artists numbered thirteen from the USA, Canada, Spain, Hungary, France, Czech Republic, Italy and Germany.

The blues programme was headlined by Chick Willis, the 76 year-old guitarist and singer from Macon, Georgia who delivered 10 high-powered performances to delighted and capacity audiences.

The 40-strong volunteer force were an International Brigade with festival workers from China, Italy, Poland, Brazil, Mexico and France.

Festival Director Jim Simpson said: “This is the best festival we have had in years. It’s also the first in seven years when we didn’t get rained on, it is very noticeable how much more numerous and good-humoured the crowds are when the sun is out. In the wake of the disappointing UK City of Culture announcement, this is just the event to replace the gloom with optimism and the knowledge that, regardless of any formal announcement, Birmingham is undoubtedly a significant and important home of culture.”

The 27th Birmingham International Jazz & Blues Festival is set for July 1st to 10th 2011.